Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Well, here I go.

I've been thinking for awhile about starting a "blog". A more grown up version of sitting under the covers with a flashlight writing in a diary. I've started diaries in the past, and never got too far. So, we'll see how this one goes. Although I have to say, looking back, the stories from my past are amusing, so maybe this will serve the same purpse when Im older and wiser.

So who am I? Im a wife to C. and mama to my little son Owen. I am lucky enough to be able to spend my days at home raising Owen. Along with this mission is my attempt at keeping a reasonable home. I find this to be more challenging than I thought. My pre-mama days told me that Ill have all the time in the world for housework. I'll be better at correspondance, I'll never miss anyones birthday and I'll finally have time to do the reading I've been meaning to do since before college. Ha! Mama-hood has since sneaked up on me, and now Im happy to say my laundry is mostly done and my sink is shiny every night. (see flylady.net for further inspiration :) ) So needless to say, mama-hood has been a series of surprises. Wonderful, amazing, mystifying, sometimes terrifying surpises.

So, welcome to my life. I hope you can find a common thread.


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