Thursday, May 26, 2005

That's what boys do

Twice today, I have been faced with the phrase... "Because that's what boys do, Mommy!" The first was when I asked him for the fifth time, to please stop pulling the folded t-shirts off the tables at Old Navy. The second was at lunch, "that's what boys do, Mommy, they fingerpaint with yogurt on the table". Maybe this is a developing gender role? Lets pray for his future wife :)

Had a rather challenging counseling session today.. still feeling a bit worn out. Its good to get the crazy out, I always say LOL.

So, were off to DC this weekend, it should be a great trip. We'll be driving, and this will be the longest car trip we've taken with Owen. My bag of tricks is stacked with new books (love my consignment store! they always have great books for cheeeeap), and the super cool new Viewmaster. He's been enthusiastic about this toy the few times he's seen it in the store, so lets hope it works for awhile in the car too.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Walk to the pond

Tonight after dinner we went on a walk down to the pond. Its just down the street, in our subdivision and has a paved path that is 0.6 mil around. At one point on the path there is a bridge. Apparently it is now a Troll Bridge. (Thank you, Dora.) It took me several minutes to convince Owen that the troll wasn't going to hear us, and it was ok to cross the bridge. Finally, our solution was to walk sideways across the bridge, because obviously, that is a quieter way to walk... Couldn't convince the dog to do this unfortunately... she was taking her chances on the troll I guess. Crisis solved.

P.S. Happy Syttende Mai to the Norwegians today!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bare feet? Not so much.

Owen and I were reading a book today. The picture showed three young boys playing in a stream, all with bare feet and pants rolled up to their knees. Owen said.. "Mommy, those boys have their clothes on in the water! Is that ok?" This is so cute because he has recently had the revelation that you can in fact leave the house barefoot. Being raised with me, he should know that under no circumstance do bare feet ever touch grass. Unfortunately, he's also being raised by his father who undoubtedly went the entire three months of summer in the Missouri heat, without a mere thought of shoes.

Yesterday, we were at the library. The guy at the counter checking out our books asked Owen how old he was.. Owen says, "Im two. Do you have a number?" Owen didnt know what to do with the response of "Yes, my number is 42". Not sure thats hes heard that number before.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Wheres the lid?

Today O. helped himself to a package of dried bananas from the pantry. He then precedes to loose the lid. When we asked him where the lid was, he looked for it awhile, and then seemed to get over an urgency that we had about finding the lid. He then sits down at his keyboard, turns it on and starts playing. When asked again where the lid is, he says.. “I’m playing a song about the lid”.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mental health holiday

So in the aftermath of the big M, I decided to work with a counselor for awhile. Well, boy howdy, I bet she didnt know what she was getting into! I have this lovely book now that is helping me to recognize my tendancy towards "irrational thought". Yes, I have irrational thoughts, I really felt that everybody does this. Well, I have irrational thoughts in not one of their catagories, but FOUR. Yikes.