Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Walk to the pond

Tonight after dinner we went on a walk down to the pond. Its just down the street, in our subdivision and has a paved path that is 0.6 mil around. At one point on the path there is a bridge. Apparently it is now a Troll Bridge. (Thank you, Dora.) It took me several minutes to convince Owen that the troll wasn't going to hear us, and it was ok to cross the bridge. Finally, our solution was to walk sideways across the bridge, because obviously, that is a quieter way to walk... Couldn't convince the dog to do this unfortunately... she was taking her chances on the troll I guess. Crisis solved.

P.S. Happy Syttende Mai to the Norwegians today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I can just SEE you walking across the bridge sideways!!! :)

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uwr t duz q, free porn. hhi h, lyz spgjdo! segf m blg sf.

5:39 PM  

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